Sunday, February 22, 2015

The future belongs to the curious. Really?
The future belongs to the curious. Really?

"Replace the fear of unknown with the curiosity." wow!! such a small sentence and yet so deep. It reminds me of a story cum joke that I had heard years ago. Here it goes:

He was sweating like a pig while walking back to his home, lost in the thoughts of future. It was indeed a hot summer day, sun rays were literally sucking the water out of bodies. The tar on the roads was melting and sticking with the shoe soles with his every step. He was continuously cleaning the sweat from his neck and forehead. Desolated roads and violent blasts of hot wind were more than enough to make him feel dizzy. The only sound which was disrupting the rhythm of hot wind and this deadly silence was a distant voice of a drunk man, holding a half empty bottle of local made whiskey and half bent on the open manhole. As he approached towards that point the sound became clearer, the drunkard was repeating, "Eighteen-Eighteen-Eighteen-Eighteen......", in an endless loop. He intentionally scuffled his feet on the road to make the drunkard aware about his presence. The drunkard twisted his head towards him while keeping rest of the body stationary and stopped saying anything for a while. Then he pointed his finger towards that open manhole and started that loop again, "Eighten-Eighteen-Eighteen-Eighteen......", this man became curious. Something must have happened here. Once he wanted to run away and reach his home as soon as possible. But then, this curiosity made him put forward his step to have a peep in the open manhole. As he moved near the edge, there came a blow on his back and before he could understand anything, he was upside down, falling in the abyss through that manhole. The drunkard did not say a word for while. After few seconds again that loop started but this time with "Nineteen-Nineteen-Nineteen.........".